Thursday, March 8, 2012

I Want My Hat Back

I Want My Hat Back
By Jon Klassen

This is a simple story-- simple words and simple pictures-- about a bear who loses his hat. He wants it back. He goes to different animals in the forest, asking if anyone has seen his hat. He meets a rabbit, who, when asked about a hat, responds, "No. Why are you asking me. I haven't seen it. I haven't seen any hats anywhere. I would not steal a hat. Don't ask me any more questions." Though the bear doesn't notice, the rabbit is wearing a red hat. The bear continues on his journey, asking more animals about his hat. A question from a deer about what his hat looks like finally jogs the bear's memory. He runs back to the rabbit and apparently reclaims his hat. The ending, though, is a surprise, well worth reading the book to find out!

Over all, I enjoyed this book. I was impressed by Klassen's ability to create intense emotion with only a few words and simple pictures. The story is meant, I think, to be lighthearted and a little tongue in cheek. Sometimes I prefer books that has a subtle message to teach, but this book I enjoyed purely for its entertainment value.

1 comment:

  1. This is one that I think adults like better than kids. Michael absolutely roared at the ending.
